Title: Athene’s Shield
Artist: Hendrik De Ley
Size: 995mm x 705mm
Media: water-based paints, ink, metallic paints on canvas
Description: “Athene’s Shield” by Hendrik De Ley was completed over a period of 16 months and completed in 2014. The painting is a well-known example of the artist’s unique pointillist style in acrylics and metallic paints. The painting is also a prime example of Hendrik De Ley’s uncanny ability to create a transcendent effect by means of meticulous detail and patience. As is the case with many of his other masterpieces, Hendrik De Ley painted the piece using his trademark technique, i.e. spontaneously without any planning or preliminary lines before he applied paint to canvas.
Original painting: Currently part of the De Ley Collection in South Africa. For sales & bidding inquiries regarding the original, please contact the curator at curator@deleyart.com.
Official prints of “Athene’s Shield”: Official prints are available via the following official De Ley Art online stores:
1. Fine Art America – Hendrik De Ley Official Art Shop
2. Society 6 – Hendrik De Ley Official Art Shop
Official De Ley Art framed art prints, apparel, decorative household items and more at Society6!
3. Redbubble – Hendrik De Ley Official Art Shop
Find Hendrik De Ley’s official art prints of Athene’s Shield and other fine art masterpieces on Redbubble!
4. Teespring – Hendrik De Ley Official Art Shop
Hendrik De Ley’s official collection of art prints is now on Spring.com (formerly Teespring).